Nana – episode 21

September 19, 2006 on 5:43 pm | In Nana | 11 Comments

For all of her ditziness, at 20 Hachi has done a hell of a lot more with her life than I have.
If you haven’t piloted a robot by 14, I suppose, you’re not cut out for adventurous living …


Hachi spends the night with Takumi. She prays desperately that it won’t be a one night stand, but she does not tell anyone about it. Likewise, Takumi tells no one about her.

It’s becoming increasingly distressing that all of the voice overs from Hachi at the episodes’ ends imply that her life has gone on to suck greatly, and that Nana has been her only shining light. This attitude didn’t quite permeate the entire episode, but it was quite strange to imagine that she was having bad thoughts about herself even as she was having sex with Takumi.
The low self esteem of Hachi, hidden by her usually frenetic nature, is another thing of the show that I would term “heartbreaking”.
Depressing shoujo, my friends. Depressing.

The surprise of the episode was Shouji’s appearance. I’m not quite sure how these things go: would it be a salve to Hachi that Shouji is serious about Sachiko – perhaps more so than he ever was about her – or is it just a slap in the face? Of course, if Junko and Kyosuke never tell her, there’s no way that she will know. I think that is the way it should stay.

Finally, on the Hirano Aya front: she moves her head too much and it freaks the heck out of me!


  1. If it’s anything like the manga, it won’t be depressing for long….

    Comment by Mayu — September 19, 2006 #

  2. If it’s narrated the way the Manga is narrated, it implies that after the shining light of the manga, her life goes on to suck horribly, and Nana’s no longer there.

    Comment by Haesslich — September 20, 2006 #

  3. gosh i love this anime. i need to know how many episodes are there in the whole season. its killing me.

    Comment by leanixz — October 25, 2006 #

  4. can anyone tell me where ican download it or watch it? please

    Comment by NaruSasuSaku — November 11, 2006 #

  5. I AM OBSSESSED WITH NANA!!!!!! I ABSOULUTLY LOVE IT!!! I need to know more about what goes on in the anime/manga, and get more of the merchindise!!!!

    p.s.-I absoulutely love Nana Osaki with a burning passion!!!!!!!!!!

    Comment by NANAFANGIRL4ETERNITY — May 28, 2007 #

  6. Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂

    Comment by NANAFANGIRL4ETERNITY — May 28, 2007 #

  7. read Paradise Kiss before Nana it will prepare you better for Nana’s ending

    Comment by Rin — June 6, 2007 #

  8. nana ti adoroooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!aciko(nn so cm s scrive)sei il mio spekkio!!!!!!
    io sn cm te.,.pekkato ke sei fumetto!!!

    Comment by charly — June 22, 2007 #

  9. nana….ogni vlt ke vedo il cartone ma ke soprattutto leggo il fumetto….m vengono i balzi al cuore….pensa io vivo lo stesso tuo periodo!!1
    vorrei ke anke x me s avverasse il sogno d fidanzarmi cn 1 star dl cinema…ma s sà..è sl 1 sogno!!!cmq…
    amo il giapponeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!e soprattutto le anime!!!!!
    cioè nana!!!!
    TI AMO!!

    Comment by charly — June 28, 2007 #

  10. W nana and Hachi forever…se hachi deve finire con takumi,preferisco k ai yazawa faccia finire le 2 nana insieme…in fondo,fanno una bellissima coppia…

    Comment by Hachico — July 4, 2007 #

  11. nana asta ka naske hitori…
    Isi koto de mandna.

    Comment by Osodé — July 12, 2008 #

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